Home » Parent’s Co-operation

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Parent’s Co-operation

  • Parents should give sufficient attention and time to the children and help them in their studies at home.
  • Private tuitions are strongly discouraged children placed in the hands of tutors make very slow process and lack self confidence and concentration. If a child needs individual attention, the class teacher and the principal should be consulted before engaging a tutor.
  • No student is allowed to take tuition from his/ her class teacher without principal’s written permission.
  • Parents are not permitted to enter the class room to see the teacher during class – hours without the permission of the Principal.
  • Parents should not to fail to attend the parent – teacher meeting on the day marked in the school calendar.
  • Parents are requested to check the school dairy daily and note the remarks entered by the teachers. Remedial measures should be promptly taken.
  • Parents should scrutinize and sign the progress – report, answer – script etc. when requested. Failure to do so will jeopardize  the progress of their child.
  • In an official correspondence with the school, full name of the child, together with his / her class section and roll number, should be stated.
  • Parents are expected to co – operate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity / discipline among the children and to take keen interest in whatever the school does for all – round development of their children.
  • For the benefit of the concerned, a school calendar has been inserted in the school diary. Its objective is to promote regularity, to bring efficient progress and to facilitate smooth working of the school.