Home » Some General Rules

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Some General Rules

  1. Children must come to school regularly and punctually. They must be   clean and tidy in their dress with hair well dressed, shoes shiningly polished and nails trimmed clean.
  2. A pupil exposed to or suffering from any infectious disease is not to attend school until a doctor has given a certificate declaring that he/ she may do so without risk to his/ her school mates.
  3. In classes I to XII each child must note down his/ her daily home work in school diary. The teachers and the parents must write their comments when necessary  .Parents should see the diary, special attention needs to be given while checking the same.
  4. Parents / guardians must visit the school on the parent -teacher meeting days and discuss their children’s progress and problems with the concerned teachers, but they must not disturb the teacher at other times- while they are at work.
  5. Fee and other dues must be paid by the 10th of every month in the school office.
  6. The students coming to school in their own conveyance should arrive well in time – before the first bell goes.
  7. No student scratch or spoil the sunmica fixed on tables and chairs, damage any school furniture, write or draw any thing on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to school. Any damage done will have to be made good by the doer.
  8. Lending and borrowing of money and other articles is not permitted
  9. The school is not responsible for things lost; it is not advisable to bring valuable articles, expensive jewellery, watches etc. to school.
  10. The name class and section of every pupil should be clearly marked on all his/ her belongings. Blazers and sweaters should bear the name of the student.
  11. Girl – student should not come to school wearing nail polish and bangles.
  12. Students should not damage the seats of the school bus in any manners.
  13. The school reserves the right to dismiss a student whose diligence or progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct harmful to other students. For this action, H.P board/ Education department rules will be followed strictly.